What Does the Bureau of Land Management Have Against Bikers?

I found a set of Waco photos some of which I hadn’t see yet.. I was poking through them and noticed something kind of strange… Now I get why I see Waco police Department uniforms….



And I get why I see McLennan County Sheriff’s Department…



And I get why I see a big fat Texas State Trooper…



But can anyone tell me what the Bureau of Land Management is doing shooting at bikers in downtown Waco???


Obama congratulating BLM and others at a press conference, she’s wearing the exact same uniform as this officer in Waco at Twin Peaks.


For those of you who don’t remember, the Bureau of Land Management is the same government organization who made national headlines about a year ago when they tied up with Mr. Cliven Bundy about land rights and saving the lives of turtles so they could euthanize them on his ranch. the BLM was stood down and made fools of by bikers, Oath Keepers, ranchers, the III%, and other armed patriots.

Wikipedia on the Bundy Ranch


There’s that same uniform again…


This is doubly disturbing if you know that the Bureau of Land Managment was ALL over Sturgis last year. They in fact own very little of South Dakota. This doesn’t stop them from taking full advantage of the tiny little spot they own over between Rapid City and Deadwood in August..



I travel as security sometimes for the Jasmine Cain Band.. Last year I went with her to Sturgis. Those of us who WORK the rally often use the ‘cow roads’ to get around… And I literally mean muddy gravel roads that run through fields with cows walking up and down the roads. The BLM set up basically a compound last year and claimed they were searching for marijuana. Now I can see why you would be looking for pot at Sturgis… However. I was stopped four times in one week… No matter how slow you were going they stopped every car for speeding and checked them out. They put the drug dog on my car. This is the equivalent of putting their dog on Willie Nelson’s bus. It should have fainted. As it was, the big German Shepherd was lunging at my car with its tongue lolling out to one side as the cop SPRINTED around my car dragging the dog, who is still just throwing himself toward my car and I think he’s going to break his neck on the choke chain as the cop pulls him along behind him…, they shoved him back up into their vehicle and let me go. A friend of mine owned her pot and gave it to them.. they took it and poured it out on the side of the road. Why would you have fifteen or twenty federal agents in a cow field for over a week, looking for pot but not even arrest someone or write a ticket?


I took this photo on the cow road.

There was also some sort of altercation on Texas soil with these same folks about the same time as Mr. Bundy’s standoff, it just didn’t make as many headlines as the rambunctious rancher who threw a freedom rally with the patriotic rock hymns of  Madison Rising blasting loud and live from the rooftops. Supposedly the BLM was going to try to claim 90,000 acres of Texas land as their own.


I hate to sound like a conspiracy here, but after a month in jail it’s hard to imagine it as anything else…. Therefore, I’ll leave you with the reminder that a year ago Harry Reid and the Obama administration declared…

‘It’s not over.’


12 Responses to “What Does the Bureau of Land Management Have Against Bikers?”

  1. LadyRavenSDC Says:

    Dots, dots, dots. Maybe they connect, maybe they don’t but after Bundy Ranch and other situations we know of, to not even question would be a mistake IMHO.

  2. LadyRavenSDC Says:

    I just put both of your today’s posts in comments –
    They are not letting up on this.

  3. It definitely raises allot of serious and valid questions regardless of conspiracy theories.If I had to guess its my oppinion that they are not releasing the video evidence because it’s content is so overwhelmingly graphic that everyone would/will freak the hell out when/if we ever get to see it.Personally my biggest problem with the video evidence not being released,as by law it’s supposed to be,is the fact that if an individual/citizen knowingly withheld critical evidence from an investigation such as that video they would be subject to prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.All anyone is asking for is balance in accountability from our authorities.Anything less than that is no less than communistic.

  4. We need to get some big entity to help spread the word and help get some volunteers in the key cities, to try and put a thousand plus bikes in front of these mane stream media ABC,NBC,CBS,FOX,CNN, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Good morning America. We need to be heard. I’m tired of fly by reports. It has to be peaceful. But big enough to force them to report and hear what we know and answer what we don’t we need to push them. To put pressure on Waco to get the video and dash cam footage. WE CAN NOT ALLOW THEM TO SWEEP THIS UNDER THE RUG.

  5. looks like the nigger in chief is having another one of his revenge tantrums.

  6. There was also a Game Warden there from what I heard and saw

  7. The question you have to ask is were they there at the time of the shootout or did they show up after it all happened..It’s not unusual for all types of law enforcement in the vicinity of something like this to respond to calls for backup..The video evidence could help clear up a lot of questions..Now if the video evidence shows them participating in the shootout well that would be problematic…It could be they’re afraid of how the clubs will respond when and if they release the video evidence..The Waco PD was scared shitless when rumours started circulating that one of the clubs had members going to Waco to get some payback..In my opinion their refusal to release the video tells me that you may be onto something here and now they’re going to try and cover it up…

    • it can be nothing now BUT a cover up. its ridiculous.

      • Well i just read the latest release from the Waco PD and they are claiming that of the officers on scene at the time of the shoot out that only 3 officers fired their weapons a total of 12 rounds..I find that very hard to believe…

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